
Snow Blower Repair Denver, Colorado

Mobile Snow Blower Repair Near Me Denver, CO – 720-298-6397 Husqvarna ST 224 24 In Two Stage Tune Ups, Oil Changes, Carb Overhauls, Flat Tires and more.

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Maintaining Your Husqvarna Snow Blower in Denver, CO. Get Your Small Engine Repair Business Listed Here!

Snowblowers are machines that are meant to last. Even the cheapest brands can last up to 12 years while more expensive ones can last twice as much.

However, owners need to maintain them well in order to keep the snowblower running smoothly for a long time. Below are some tips on how you can take care of and maintain your blower.

  1. Keep your augers off the ground
  • auger blades in snowblowers are a home owners’s delight. Not only do they clear the snow cleanly, they also keep the side walks safe because they clean. Augers typically become dull after a month or two of regular use. They should therefore be taken out of the snow blower (making sure that it is turned off before doing anything) and filed to make them sharp again.
  1. Replace or clean your air filter
  • motorized snowblowers some are usually equipped with air filters. In time, they get clogged and so they should be replaced or cleaned depending on the material they are made of. In general, paper filters are meant to be thrown away while those made of foam should simply be cleaned.
  1. Keep the tires well-inflated
  • well-inflated tires keep snow blowers running evenly, especially in the case of the self propelled variety. The tire pressure should therefore be checked everytime before operating the blower.
  1. Use the right kind of oil
  • oil is needed by motorized snow blowers to keep the engine lubricated. The right kind of motor oil should always be bought to avoid destroying the engine.
  1. Check the skid shoes
  • Check skid shoes/plates (if equipped) and shave plates/scraper bars for wear and damage; adjust or replace as needed. Check the scraper bar/shave plate (if equipped) and replace as needed. Verify that the unit’s control levers engage and disengage correctly and adjust them as needed.
  1. Snow blowers should be serviced
  • How Often Do Gas Snow Blowers Need Maintenance? Oil changes are to be done after the first 5 hours of use but are not required again until the end of the year or at 50 hours of use. However, we suggest checking your snow blower oil after every 5 hours of use to ensure
    it’s at the right level and not getting too dirty.
  1. How long should gas stay in a snow blower
  • How long can gas be stored before it goes bad? Whether in a gas can or in your snow blower, gas can go stale and lose its volatility in as little as 30 days. Using Sta-Bil Storage Fuel Stabilizer can increase storage time up to 24 months.
  1. Snow blower tune ups consist of
  • The most common parts that you will need for a snow blower tune-up checklist include: a spark plug, a carburetor kit, a primer bulb, and a paddle & scraper bar kit. In order to locate the snow blower tune-up parts that you need, use our Snow Blower Quick Reference Guide
    or Search Illustrated Parts Diagrams.
  1. Change snow blower belts
  • Snowblower belts start to wear out after 5 to 7 years, and should be replaced. You can save money by doing the job yourself.
  1. Old gas can ruin a snow blower
  • Even still, when you need your snowblower to work on a moment’s notice, using unstabilized, old fuel is about the worst thing you can do for your snowblower. The moral of the story: use fuel stabilizer, and never use old gasoline.

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